"Comparison Will Kill You."
I am guilty of scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram and envying all of the girls with washboard abs and picture perfect legs. I used to let these images control my mind, and lower my self confidence. In no way am I saying that these girls did not work hard to have the bodies that they have. However, they have their own journey that cannot be compared to mine. Each of our bodies is a work of art. We all have spent hours and hours at the gym on our work of art.Have you ever been to a painting class with your family and friends? Have you ever noticed that every painting differs from each other even though you're all essentially painting the same thing? I like to compare this to our bodies. YES, we all want a perfect body. No stretch marks. Perfect definition. No fat rolls when we sit down. We all want our painting to be perfect, more perfect than the person's sitting next to us. We strive to be better and to compete with others, when we don't have to. We should be solely focused on our painting, and working toward the finished product without the comparison to someone else. Likewise, we should be focused on our progress rather than the girl beside at the gym.
As I go to the gym each day, I observe others around me. We are all on different chapters of our fitness journeys. I may be on chapter 10, while the girl beside me may be on chapter 1. I feel like we need to keep in this in mind when we think about comparing ourselves to others. Transformation takes time, and trust me I can relate when people talk to me about being discouraged. It takes sooooo much time. It took me FOUR years of making very small adjustments at a time to become healthier. It is discouraging, but the best way to continue on is to simply keep going.
Stop competing with others and start competing with yourself.
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